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How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

Working in the health & wellness field, the most common thing we get asked is how to stay healthy during the holidays. 

Well… ask and you shall receive 🪄 But, buckle up, because we’ve got a lot to say about this one!

It’s Normal!

For most of us the holidays disrupt our normal routine. We have time off work, kids are home from school, maybe you’re traveling or having family stay with you… With all of these factors, it’s so easy to put a pause on you and your regular workout routine, eating habits, self-care, sleep schedule, etc. 

It’s understandable. Holidays are naturally stressful and busy. With everything else going on it can seem like “too much” to also prioritize a healthy lifestyle. But as we constantly say – you’re worth it. And the more you give to yourself, the more you can show up for others (and all the things on your to-do list).


You know what one of the best ways to de-stress is? Exercise.

You know what one of the best ways to keep high energy throughout the day so you can get everything done is? Eating healthful, nutrient-rich foods. 

It may feel like you don’t have the time or energy to do these “extra” things, but you almost can’t afford not to!

Okay, so then HOW do I keep my routine going throughout the holidays?!

Ahh, we’re so glad you asked! Now that we’ve covered the “why” it’s time to talk about the “how”.

With all the get-togethers, parties, leftovers, etc. it may seem impossible. But it’s really not. You’re more powerful than you may think! 😘

Let’s start with exercise. 

When you think about the big picture, how many days of the month do you actually have big plans? Maybe it’s two in November and five in December. That still leaves 28 days in

November and 26 days in December that you don’t have big holiday plans.

So, generally speaking, you can stick to your normal workout routine. Should things not line up right, you can plan a rest day or even plan to workout in the morning ahead of events. You know yourself best, so set yourself up for success and do what makes sense for YOU.

💥 Fit Tip: If possible, try your best to not wing it. When plans are loose they can be easier to skip. Plan out exactly which days work best for you and WRITE IT DOWN. Put it on the calendar and make it official. Kind of like a meeting or appointment!

BOOM. Routine kept. You’re crushing it 💪

Another fun thought… get the whole family involved! Make it a tradition to play football, soccer, volleyball, Frisbee, basketball, etc.! This is especially fun when you have kids around (and it makes them associate holidays with physical activity… win win! 🏆). 

There are also a lot of races around the holidays 🏃‍♀️ Maybe you participate in a 5k or 10k for charity around Thanksgiving or Christmas! If you search what goes on in your city you might find something pretty cool!

There’s something for every crowd, you just have to know your people. Whether it’s a sport, a walk, or something interactive on the TV. You can figure it out; get creative! 

Family playing football

Alright, now that you have your plan for staying physically active, let’s talk about the part that’s probably even harder. 


There are a few different approaches you can take. 

  1. Bring a healthy dish to the potluck. Traditional holiday food can sometimes be heavy, so try to shake things up this year with a veggie platter, salad, or other colorful side dish! 🥗 You’d be surprised how many people will be thankful to see something light and fresh!

  2. Build a balanced plate. You can absolutely enjoy the foods you want & love while also leaning into the foods you know are good for you 😉 Fill the majority of your plate with protein & veggies, and enjoy the heavier dishes in smaller servings/moderation. 💥 Fit Tip: If you want to learn more about building a balanced plate, take a look at the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate  🍽️

  3. Send food home with people. If you’ve ever hosted a holiday, you’ve probably had a time where you made way more food than the guests could eat. If you don’t want to be stuck with two weeks' worth of mac & cheese and pumpkin pie, send it home with your guests! You can buy cheap Tupperware or even tell your guests to bring their own.

  4. Don’t take leftovers home. On the flip side, if you’re a guest and the food options don’t serve your goals, do yourself a favor and don’t take it home with you. It’s one thing to have a day where your eating habits get thrown aside, it’s a whole other thing to turn it into a full week of eating those foods! Eat it, enjoy it, then leave it.

  5. If you do take home leftovers, only take things you can repurpose into healthy, nutrient-rich meals. Pretend you’re on Chopped and create something delicious! 👩🏼‍🍳 (For those of you who aren’t familiar… Chopped is a TV show on the Food Network where chefs have to take 4 ingredients that don’t go together at all, and create a yummy cohesive dish out of it.) Turn your turkey and corn into a burrito bowl with brown rice, beans, and spinach! Or maybe a vegetable soup! The possibilities are endless. Get creative with it!

  6. DRINK WATER. 💧 Whenever you eat out we always recommend drinking extra water to help fill you up, flush everything out, and manage sugar/calories. This is the same for eating during the holidays! The extra salty, fatty, and sugary foods will definitely make you retain things you don’t want! You can get ahead of this by drinking extra water before the meal, right after, and the next day. 💥 Fierce Fact: Keep an eye on the color of your urine (yes, we’re talking toilet talk). Your urine will tell you all you need to know about your water intake. It should always be mostly clear with a slight yellow tint! If it’s cloudy or very yellow, your body is telling you to drink more water. On the flip side, if it’s completely clear with no yellow, you may be drinking too much water! (Yes, that’s a thing, even though it’s not super common) *Please note that drinking things like caffeine or alcohol will alter the color of your urine! 

Water glasses on the table

Well, there you have it! Those are our tips and tricks for surviving the holidays without ruining what you’ve been working so hard to accomplish! 

If you tried any of these out we would love to hear how it went for you! Have other ideas?! Share ’em with us!

Fiercely yours, Stephanie and Tyler

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